After a great trip to Ohakune we left and headed up to Waitomo. We stopped for one night and went to see the Waitamo glow worm caves. The tour was great, a woman showed us around the caves, told us about the history and then took us on a boat where all you could see was hundreds and hundreds of glow worms! A really great thing to see.
After Waitamo we set off to Hamilton, New Zealands biggest inland city. Mainly dominated by a shopping centre, we had a look around and had some lunch. Next stop was back to Auckland to drop off Rosie (the campervan - named it ourselves in the end!) Sad to see her go we had become quite attached, but onwards and upwards!
Quite literally upwards, back to Ohakune (pic) where we will be living and working during the 4 month ski season. We will be staying at Canoe Safaris Lodge and working here and at Kings Bar. Free accommodation and paid work - result!
Another blog - another exciting instalment! What a great experience for you both. Enjoy every minute!