A year ago today we were all in sunny Southwold having an epic 21st celebration, while this will forever remain a day impossible to beat - I've given it a good go! After an absolutely atrocious day yesterday weather wise we woke up this morning to be greeted by the sun! Clear blue skies and little wind made perfect conditions for heading up the mountain for some snowboarding. For those, who like my mum, need proof of my ability to safely manoeuvre myself down the mountain I have attached a video, enjoy and feel free to congratulate my skills at anytime. This years presents consisted of a new Burton ski jacket, snowboard boots and gloves from James and some bindings from Mum and Dad. The phrase ‘all the gear and no idea’ springs to mind, but at least now when I fall over I do it looking good! When we had finished up the mountain we went for a walk up to the giant carrot, which is there to tell people that Ohakune is the ‘carrot capital of the world!’ Point well made. Then a trip to the supermarket to buy the supplies for my Mexican Birthday Feast! Home made salsa and bbq sauce courtesy of James. Delicious. Coupled with a case of beer and a bottle of wine, life is good!
P.S. Thanks to everyone for the cards and emails, its lovely to hear from you all!

Most impressive, not only looking the part but acting it as well!!!! The Mountain looks gorgeous and we are thrilled you had such a great day, however I personally wouldn'tbrag about the carrot thing. Love to both