So tomorrow we're off on a 3 day canoe safari down the Whanganui River which should be good. The ski lodge we've been looking after over the winter is actually the lodge for the canoe trips over spring/summer, so we've not got far to go to meet for the trip. Most of the course is inaccessible by land, and for a couple of nights we'll be staying at a hut and a lodge, meaning no mobile phones or internet or anything really!
The trips have a great reputation, and Simon has worked hard over a long period of time to make it so, and Robyn and I are really looking forward to going on one. We've been cooking up a couple of trip meals in the lodge over the past few days to let the new guide from Canada see how it's done, and the food is as good as most restaurants serve up. It also means that next winter when we're back at Canoe Safaris Lodge we can tell guests that the trips are fantastic and actually have been on one, rather than taking Simon's word for it. There's much more to read on the website,
The picture at the top is of Rangataua, a few K's away from Ohakune, where we had a bike ride to on Sunday. The weather has really cheered up, and we've gone from cold and rainy to hot and sunny in a matter of days, meaning going from wearing wooly hats to sunburn!
Any important news and what-not from home will have to wait until Friday evening now, when we're back in the civilised world!
Sounds great - enjoy!